Monday, May 21, 2012

Baby Shower Cakes

Petal Cake, Vertical & Horizontal Ruffle Cakes, Rosette Cake, and Mini Rosette Cake.

These cakes were just not for any ordinary baby shower- they were for my baby shower.
I know you're probably thinking, "Who makes their own baby shower cakes?"
Well the answer is the same girl who made her own birthday cake last year, and this is because I am picky when it comes to cake.


 I really am. I am so critical of cake and frosting it almost makes me feel bad.
Honestly, what it comes down to is quality of ingredients. Everything I make is homemade and fresh using simple ingredients. Good ingredients make good cakes.

These gorgeous cakes are no exception.
All five were each a different flavor combination, but all fiver were frosted in Vanilla Swiss Meringue Buttercream Frosting. 

Pink Velvet Cake with Vanilla SMBC filling & frosting.

Chocolate Cake with Fresh Strawberry Swiss meringue filling and Vanilla SMBC frosting.

Vanilla Cake with Fresh Strawberry Swiss meringue filling & Vanilla SMBC frosting.
Chocolate Cake with Vanilla SMBC filling and frosting.
Lemon Cake with Raspberry Filling & Vanilla SMBC frosting.